Trained at Branson Cerakote
What materials can you Cerakote?
Cerakote can be applied to most substrates! Here’s some examples if its not list please ask lots of specialty coatings available as well aluminum, steel, titanium, brass, copper, chrome plating, glass, polymers, plastics, wood, carbon fire and even some fabrics!
About Cerakote?
Cerakote can be applied to most substrates and is available in more color than all other coatings available! There are many more options for cerakote application then just firearms and we will customs your project to your liking. While still protecting your project form the elements.
Cerakote offers temperature resistance anywhere from 300 to 2000 degrees depending on the series. Cerakote has been tested extensively, documented, and proven. Cerakote is currently in use by more manufacturers than any other firearms or high temperature ceramic coating worldwide. Depending on the series used, baking may or may not be required allowing items and materials that cannot be oven cured to still be coated. The H series and Elite series can be baked at lower temps on a longer cycle as needed. C series however limited colors are available the air cured version is good for fabrics, plastics, temperature sensitive materials, electronics etc.